Tuesday, June 8, 2010

International Beer Challenge 2010

Hot on the heels of our success at the Australian International Beer Awards, we have entered both our Premium Pale Ale and Amber Ale into the International Beer Challenge. This is the largest packaged beer event in the world and was held in London last week. Judging took place over 2 days at the White Horse Pub at Parson's Green. For those Antipodeans' in London, I'm sure you'll agree this is a great spot to drink beer...and a fitting host for this event (especially if the sun was shining).

Results are out next week so stay tuned...

BTW, one of our Flavour Crew, Stuart "the Colonel" Dare, has managed to get his hands on some leftover brew from the judging. Enjoy Stu, and let us know what you think.

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